Sunday, 22 September 2013

Mr and Mrs Godbold

On Saturday 21st September I had the great honour of covering my friend Kerri's marriage to her lovely fiancé Simon. 

It was an early start for me - being up and dressed and ready to leave the house by 8:30am is no mean feat when you're a mother of a toddler and a 2 month old!! Thank goodness I had my husband on hand to help!

I arrived at Kerri's and was greeted by a very calm but nervous bride. Capturing the moments where she's getting ready and being amongst the hustle and bustle of everything going on was a real privilege. 

Then it was off to meet the boys at the pub (where else?!) where I found an extremely nervous but handsome looking groom. 

The ceremony took place at Thetford registry office and was a very lovely intimate affair. 

After the ceremony the formal family shots took place in the registry office's beautiful gardens then it was off to Banham for the rest of the festivities. 

Congratulations Kerri and Simon and thank you for letting me be part of your special day. 

Thanks for reading

Laura x

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